I don’t know about anybody else out there, but people tell me i’m pretty odd or illogical in the plans and desires that I have for the future. I live in a country where possessions are widely praised and looked to for security. We over eat, treat ourselves far too much, have nice houses, cars, and more clothing then we will ever get around to wearing. Education, jobs, and relationship statuses are the key to a happy life... at least that is what we are raised to believe.
Personally, I desire to be stripped of my comfort and security that I have in worldly possessions. I want to live without the things that this world says I need. I want to have less clothing when my mind and environment tell me I need more. Why do I have this mindset you might ask? Well, my whole life I had struggled with security and being depressed. I had never been truly happy or satisfied, and as far as I can see from others around me, if I continue to seek out this world for happiness and comfort, it will never be enough for me...ever.
I look at third world countries for motivation oftentimes, because despite their extreme differences in their environment, they can still be joyful in all that they do. I hear stories about people who don’t know where their next meal will come from, have one set of clothes, no shoes, and work around the clock to provide for their families the best that they can. These same people are some of the nicest, happy, honest, God fearing people in the world! That’s crazy to think about!
The realization that I have made in my mind is that Jesus Christ is the only thing that will ever fulfill me. The only thing I want to seek out and be filled by, because ultimately it is the only thing of eternal value. I want to know what it’s like to not have the comforts the world says I need, and still be joyful and at peace. If God gives peace, comfort, and joy to all who cry out to Him, and if I proclaim that He is enough for me, then personally I want to live like I mean it. I want to lay down the idols that I set before Him... all the materials that I say I could never do without, because He has proven that He is enough for me. All I need. My everything.
Now a disclaimer I am not promoting immaturity, laziness, or pure foolishness. I am not saying that I won’t to try and be prosperous on the earth and work hard and do well financially. God gave us gifts and abilities and I want to use them for His glory because I do not believe that you will be full of His goodness if you simply say “here I am God, I quit my job and left my friends and family... now bless me”. It will be a rough journey with up‘s and down’s but if I learn to surrender fully to God, I know I will not regret it.
It’s also heavy on my heart when I think about all of the food and clothing and materials in the world... how there are people with literally nothing, and others like me who have too many clothes to chose from that we actually stress over decisions as dumb as what to wear. I think about all the research and how so many of my friends have so much material, but yet so much anxiety and depression. Something is very wrong, and I believe ultimately Christ is the only solution.