Around 63% of people in the US identify as being christians. The word christian literally means “follower of Christ” as well as “anointed one”, looking back into the Latin origin. Personally, if I were to look at 63% of the people that I know or see in movies and social media, much of that percentage looks no different then the world. They have the same fears, same greed, same idols, and same selfish goals in life. So with that being said, if I were an unbeliever who did not grow up in church and didn’t know the foundation of our religion, I would likely look at the so called “christians”; not seeing the fruits of the spirit, and I would assume it’s all a hoax.
Lets dive into the scripture to see what a true follower of Christ is supposed to look like, as well as how one can be saved...
The Bible has many, many verses of instruction on how to live as Christians, as well as how to have assurance of our salvation. Often times people may focus on one verse and push aside the instruction on how to live after confessing that Jesus is Lord. For example, (Romans 10:9) “for if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”. That’s great! sounds easy enough, and anyone can do that and be off the hook right? Once and done can save you from eternal damnation.
Sadly, that is how many view verses like this one. I one hundred percent believe that this verse is true and that scripture does not contradict itself, but let’s look at the further instruction on living as followers of Christ. (1 John 5:18) states, “we know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them“
(John 14:15) “if you love Me, keep My commands”
(Romans 8:13-14) “for if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the flesh, you will live. For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.
So these verses state that if we confess that Jesus is Lord, and believe that God raised Him from the dead, this is how we must strive to live our lives. To live as Christ with His Spirit filling us, not living for our flesh or under satan who is the god of the earth. We are to be holy and set apart. We are now a new creation, and the old has passed and the new Spirit should be recognizable to those around us. (I also would like to point out that when scripture says we are not to be living in sin, that is different then sinning. We are still human and still have a daily struggle against flesh, evil, and the Spirit... we all will make mistakes and give in at some points but it is not to be our lifestyle).
All of that being said, I have heard so many unbelievers point out the fact that Christians are judgmental, spread hate, hypocrites, and self righteous. I see many people who claim to be followers of Christ yet their lives look nothing like Jesus. This breaks my heart as well as God’s. The Lord does not want us to be lukewarm. The Bible says that it is better for us to be either cold or hot... not lukewarm. My desire is for Christians and myself to start living with burning passion for Christ so that others can look at them and see that what they have is better than what the world has to offer. Far greater and far more powerful. That they can look at us and see Jesus in us.
Lukewarm Christians cause confusion and blindness in unbelievers so I want to make the decision each day I wake up to chose to burn for God and His kingdom. Because He not only is worthy of all my glory, and all the glory from those around me and so much more. He is worthy of it all!